Friday, May 17, 2013

Possible output of Colonial Valley Zapotec dictionary

Maybe it is because I have been working with output formats for Copala Triqui and San Dionisio Ocotepec Zapotec dictionaries lately, but I spent some time today thinking about what an eventual output format for a Colonial Valley Zapotec dictionary might look like.

This is one draft of a format to consider, where the entries have the form:

CVZ orthography  (part of speech) English gloss Spanish gloss (Examples) {Cordova page numbers, references to other sources such as Whitecotton} {Cordova original entry/entries} (alternate spellings)

Here is one entry fleshed out with examples, with several Cordova entries merged together …

I also put the different languages in different colors to make it easier to distinguish the different parts of the entry from each other.  Examples here are chosen to illustrate some of the range of different morphology that the root chono appears with.  I pulled them from the corpus using the 'Find Example' feature in FLEx and edited them for length.  I also italicized the word or phrase that contains chono and the corresponding part of the translation to make it easier for the reader.

(One thing I can see already is that I have been inconsistent in the abbreviations for the names of the texts -- sometimes Feria and sometimes Doctrina!)

A posted version of a dictionary like this would allow users who don't have access to the full FLEx project to nevertheless search through it and be able to advance over what is currently available to them.  (Of course, I think what we have still needs lots of clean up before we would have a version that would be ready for posting.)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

New draft of the San Dionisio Ocotepec Zapotec dictionary posted

I'm more and more adopting the philosophy that we shouldn't keep our data buried in our field notes and computers until it is perfect.  It's more likely to be useful to others if we make it available in intermediate draft stages, so I'm starting to post draft versions of various projects on my page at   (Inspired by the wisdom of Peter Austin, who posts draft grammars and dictionaries on his page!)

Today I've posted the current, imperfect state of the San Dionisio Ocotepec Zapotec dictionary. (Ethnologue ZTU) at

Here's a screenshot of one part of it: