Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The coverb movement construction in Copala Triqui

Copala Triqui has a construction in which two verbs share a subject when one of the verbs is a verb of motion.  The relationship between the two is reminiscent of control, in that it appears that the two much be in the same aspect and have the same subject.

Some examples.  The first one has a coverb relationship between cavii and ca'anj:

Luke 19:28
Here is another one.  Here the relationship is again between cavii and ca'anj, but the twist is that both are now in lower tone register (shown with underline) because
a.) The first verb is negated, and negation causes the tone register to flip, and
b.) The second verb agrees with the first in register.

John 11:6

Example number 3.  Here I've only clipped the second half of the sentence, starting in the translation with 'and he went and he arrived...'  I think that there are two coverb constructions here, if I understand correctly.  The first is the ca'anj...cuchi' 'go & arrive' in the first line.  The second is the ca'a̱nj...qui'ya̱j 'go and do (medicine)' in the second and third lines.

Notice the repetition of the subject in both cases and the matching register.  (Upper register for the first example, lower register for the second example.)

BTW, there is standard control between the object of the preposition rihaan 'to' following the verb achíín ni'ya̱j 'ask a favor' and complement clause 'go and heal'.

John 4:47
 Example 4 is the same 'go and heal' construction, but in a different passage:

Luke 10:34

Example 5 is from a folktale about possum's tale.  Note the sequence cuná'anj...quiri'  'ran and went and got'.  

The last example does raise the possibility that some examples of this are a kind of covert coordination.   It would be good to test with speakers whether it is possible to have sequences like this when the subjects are different or the registers do not agree.