Tuesday, January 24, 2012

23rd psalm in Choctaw

Because sheep aren't native to North America, the translation of the 23rd Psalm has always been a little difficult in Native American languages.  Choctaw uses a compound that originally meant 'tame rabbit' as its translation of 'sheep' and a shepherd is one who watches over tame rabbits.  (For modern speakers, of course, 'tame rabbit' is an opaque compound for 'sheep').

The following is the 23rd Psalm in Choctaw with a rough analysis of the first verse.

(I do have a few puzzles about this verse -- the 'because'  suffix is usually -hatoko, rather than yatoko...)

1 comment:

Holabitubbe said...

Very cool! Part of what was interesting to me is that Byington attempted to literally translated metaphors from the KJV into Choctaw. I am interested in examining the use of metaphors as an instrument for cultural change.