Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A new Timucua book

My colleague and coauthor Timothy Johnson recently managed to discover a new Timucua book!

Here is a press release about it

Some additional information:
  • It is bound together with a copy of the 1627 Catechismo y Examen  (Pareja, Francisco. 1627b. Cathecismo y Examen para los que comulgan. En lengua castellana y Timuquana. Mexico City: Imprenta de Iuan Ruyz.) There is another copy of this 1627 work in the British Museum, but the Codrington copy has the 1628 work bound after it.
  • It does not duplicate any previously known book.
  • The title calls it Part IIII, suggesting that Pareja, Francisco. 1627a.Catecismo en lengua timuquana y castellana en el qual se instruyen y cathequizan los adultos infieles que an de ser Christianos. Mexico City: Emprenta de Ioan Ruyz  was probably intended to be parts 1 and 2.  More on this:
    • Pareja 1627 does have two parts -- the first part is an account of the creation of the world and the birth of Christ.  The second part is an edited/corrected version of the 1612 book Pareja, Francisco. 1612a. Cathecismo en lengua castellana, y Timuquana. En el qual se contiene lo que se les puede enseƱar a los adultos que an de ser baptizados. Mexico City: Impresa de la Viuda de Pedro Balli. (NY Historical Society)
  • It is not clear what part III is.  Is it the 1627 Catechismo y Examen?  Nothing on the title page or introduction labels this as part III of a multi-part work.
Here is a link to the page at Codrington with the manuscript: